This morning I endured the horror that I would wish only upon my greatest of enemies. My child, a beautiful 8 month old girl was playing on the carpet with her toys in the living room. I was in the adjacent room washing dishes from the night before. The kitchen is open and my child is in full view. Making faces at her as I do the dishes is part of our daily routine.
I looked away for a moment, it was only a moment, but when I turned my head she was gone. At first it did not even register, how could she be gone. She does not crawl yet and certainly could not go anywhere. Quickly, I ran to the bedroom, maybe the wife had taken her. As I opened the door I found my wife sound asleep as I had left her. It's best not to wake her, I had decided, I can find one baby who cannot really go anywhere.
Running back to the living room I began frantically searching for the baby. A nagging feeling kept tugging in my brain but I pushed it aside, I had to find my baby girl.
"Oryan?" I whispered as I searched for my baby while I tried not to wake my wife. If she found out that I lost the baby she would kill me. Pillows flew off the couch as rationality deserted me and I began to search for her everywhere. In my head I could hear her giggling. "Where are you Oryan?"
The balcony door was open and I exited there was no sign of her anywhere. My mind began to race. Is it possible that someone climbed on to the roof, climbed into our apartment and kidnapped her when i was not looking? Who would do that? Should I call the police?
I shook my head, that is ridiculous, "Oryan?" she has to be somewhere.Again i can hear her giggling in my head. Was that it my head, is she here somewhere and I missed her. "Oryan, where are you?" Behind me I heard a rustling. Spinning around I found my wife staring at me while still rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
"What the hell did you do here?" she asked implying the now messy room.
Breathing deeply, I managed, "I can't find Oryan."
"You're kidding right?"
"She is right behind you!"
Slowly, I turned to find my girl sitting with the cutest smile on her face giggling, "Peekaboo!" she yelled.
She then disappeared again. "Where did she go," I yelled. "Oryan?"
My wife rolled her eyes, "I am going back to bed.
"But I can't find her again!"
A mad man indeed
ReplyDeleteOk, I actually laughed at that one