Groggily, I opened my eyes, the bright red numbers on my clock red 3:30 am. The numbers kept moving up and down. It took me a moment to realize that the clock was not moving but in fact, my bed was bouncing up and down.
Slowly, I turned my head and found myself face to face with the devilish smile of my eleven month old baby. She laughed as she bounced up and down on the bed while sitting. With a scream she bounced one last time as she flipped through the air and landed on the floor, and quickly scootched out the door. (Scootching is a way of moving forward while sitting, my baby does not crawl she scootches.)
I rubbed my eyes in disbelief and pulled myself out of bed. Flicking on the light I stepped out to the hall. Scanning the area I could not see my daughter. She must have made it o the living room already.
Calling out her name, I advanced to the living, and again could not find her. Her laughter echoed in the background as i returned to the bedroom to wake up my wife.
Shaking her slightly, I brought her out of her dreams. "I can't find the baby."
Groaning she rolled out of bed and walked to the living room.