A good father teaches his daughter how to defend herself. The amount of rapists and murders that exist in this world is terrifying. For that reason I am teaching my daughter how to defend herself against any threat.
Even at the age of 9 months old my daughter seems to have a knack for self-defense. Her punches are tough and her kick has the strength of a grown mule. When she gets really girly she can scratch out eyes like a cougar.
At that age, it is difficult to find ways to keep her training up to par, especially since finding a fair partner is difficult. She is the top of her height and weight class, and other babies tend to hide in fear of her.
I was left with no choice but to pit her against our cat Milky. Milky is slightly smaller than my baby but still has had her share of wins. I placed them on the bed together, this being the only safe arena. Here my daughter tumbles with the freedom of a drunk astronaut.
The match started slowly since neither truly understood what was happening. After the initial staring contest ended my daughter flung herself forward and managed to grab the cat by the tail. Screaming the cat tried to run away, but my daughter had the cat in her death grip.